Are you unconditionally loved? Do you love unconditionally?
The concept of unconditional love may not be as simple as we might like, but for those of us still searching for it…. the place to truly find it, may be much closer than you think.
Many of us have a memory of abandonment or rejection from something or someone we thought loved us, or at least should have loved us. Many of us carry the effects of that abandonment or rejection with us for years in our thought patterns and in our actual brain and biological make up.
Learn what it may take to finally change those ingrained thoughts and feelings, and how simply stimulating your senses could be the key.
One of our co-hosts takes time this episode to bravely share her own extraordinary experience of abandonment (as well as abuse) as a child from those she thought loved her, and the impact it has on her own views of love and acceptance today.
We relate with our own experiences around unconditional love and our moments of having it taken from us or being rejected by it, and we show patience and understanding for everyone’s experience of this most personal, human need.