Episode 11: How Patience With Yourself Makes For a Better Life, The Magic of Genuine Connection and Finding Love (In Places You Might Not Normally Look)

Have you ever gotten frustrated with yourself?  Wished you could do “better”?Find out why patience with yourself (“giving yourself grace” as some call it) can lead to a happier life.  And how letting go, of your expectations and reliance on an outcome or a situation can help you lead a more balanced life. 

Ever listen to two people talk and find yourself smiling?  What about after you talked with someone and you look back at how it felt?  If you have, odds are the reason lies in authenticity and vulnerability.  How seeing deeper into someone, how seeing their more vulnerable selves, can make us feel happy and connected. 

Wish you had more love in your life?  Feel like you are seriously lacking?  There is love all around you to find.  Listen to where you might find it, about being brave to look there, and letting yourself acknowledge and enjoy it…even if it comes from some nontraditional places.

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