Episode 7: The Benefits of Trying New Things, Why Questioning “Authority” is Important, and How Much We Can Learn from Those We Teach

When is the last time you did something out of your normal routine?  Something that disrupted your normal schedule or got you out of your comfort zone? 

Find out why it is so critical that you do these things, and how you can hold yourself accountable to do them, while actually enjoying yourself in the process. 

Should children always listen to adults?  Should adults always listen to the “authorities” in their lives (bosses, leaders)? 

Find out how innovation and even your own happiness depends on us questioning these very things.  And maybe have a different perspective when someone questions your authority:). 

When is the last time you tried to learn from your kids, from someone younger than you, from your pet?! 

We can be taught at any age, by anyone.  Hear about how some of us learn from these non-authorities and how you might too.  After all, we are adults learning from a kids show!  You can find wisdom and insight anywhere.

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