Episode 4: The Power of Repetition, Conquering Your Fears Through Conversation, and The Magic that is Mister Rogers

Did Mister Rogers practice meditation?  Did he have “Mantras”? 

Sure seems like it sometimes, as he shows us again what we need to be saying to ourselves, and what we need to remember in order to feel good about our lives and who we are. 

And like finally admitting to someone a hidden fear or anxiety, we are reminded that talking about our fears make them smaller.  Like the monsters under our beds as kids, our fears of today (viruses, politics, new experiences) can be lessened by doing one simple thing… and doing it with someone else! (ok… but get your mind our of the gutter, it’s a kids show). 

And the man behind the show is more that what he may appear. 

Initially even to us podcasters, he seems strange, different… and in many ways he is, because he is already what we are all trying to become. 

Find out a little more about his special magic in this week’s episode.  The Neighborhood’s never looked so beautiful!

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