Episode 15: Talking about Divorce, Listening to Kids, Enabling Narcissists, and Co-Creating Behavior You Hate

Ever consider divorce from your spouse?  Ever been a kid of divorce?  Are you divorced yourself?  Most everyone fits into one of these categories, learn the impact it has on the kids involved, and how deciding to get a divorce or stay married may be the wrong thing to focus on when making sure kids are OK. 

Do you ask your kids (or the kids on your life) questions in hard times?  Do you proactively inquire into what they are thinking or do you “talk” to them when you know something in their life is likely hard?  Learn the difference between these things and how you can be a more effective adult in the process. 

Have someone selfish in your life that gets on your nerves?  How do you respond to them when they are behaving selfishly, talking that way?  Listen to the hard truths for us all about how we might be enabling these people in our lives and how they may perceive our behavior in return. 

Is there someone in your life that repeatedly behave in a way you don’t like?  How do you handle it, what do you do or say to let them know its not ok?  Find out how not speaking up can mean you are giving up your power to change things, instead unwittingly co-creating the very thing you hate.

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